David S. Crawford B.A., Dip. Lib. Stud., F.C.L.I.P. |
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This page provides some background information on David S. Crawford and his current and past research interests. It includes links to recent articles and to work in process. |
Bibliography of Canadian health sciences periodicals: 1826-1980 This bibliography is based, with their permission and the permission of the publishers, Associated Medical Services, on the Annotated bibliography of Canadian medical periodicals, 1826-1975 by Charles Roland and Paul Potter.The original book, published in 1979, has been extensively revised, expanded and updated and information on titles on nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, chiropractic and other health disciplines has been added. Bibliography of histories of Canadian hospitals and schools of nursing: 1751-2024 This bibliography, attempts to list all separately published histories of Canadian hospitals, schools of nursing and faculties of medicine published between 1751 and 2024. McGill Medical Graduates 1833-1877 and their theses Medical Licences issued in Ontario and Quebéc prior to 1867 ><((((º> ><((((*> ><((((-> ><((((º> George Edward Bomberry, MD CM (1849-1879) Bomberry was a hereditary chief of the Cayuga (Gayogohó:nợ); he was born on the Tuscarora Reserve on April 14th, 1849 and enrolled at the McGill medical faculty in 1872. He was the first indigenous person to receive a degree from McGill University when he was awarded an MD CM degree in 1875 - his graduation thesis was on Delirium Tremens. He was licenced to practice medicine in Ontario in 1877 and died, of tuberculosis, in 1879. A short biography of him was published in the Osler Library Newsletter, No. 136, Summer 2022. This article was reprinted in McGill's Health e-News in June 2023. Bibliotheca Osleriana - the catalogue of Sir William Osler's library This is a reproduction (pdf files) of the editorial content of the printed Bibliotheca Osleriana and contains a list of Bibliotheca items that are not, yet (as of 2019), listed in McGill University's online catalogue. It does not reproduce the actual catalogue entries for the approximately 8000 items in the Bibliotheca. With the exception of the few items noted, these are all in the McGill University Library's online catalogue which is accessble via OCLC's WorldCat. McGill-Queen's University Press has issued the full Bibliotheca Osleriana as an e-book which is freely available. Canadians who graduated in medicine from Edinburgh University 1809-1840 Canadians who graduated in medicine from Edinburgh University 1841-1868 Margaret Ridley Charlton - pioneer medical librarian Miss Charlton was the first trained librarian to work at the McGill University Medical Library, where she was the Assistant Librarian from 1895-1914. In 1898 she was one of the founders of the Association of Medical Librarians (which became the Medical Library Association in 1907). She was recognized as a 'person of national historic significance" by the Government of Canada and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada in 2003. On May1, 2006, the 75th anniversary of her death, an official "historic person" plaque in her honour was unveiled; it was finally erected outside McGill University's McIntyre Medical Sciences Building in 2012. A biography of her is being prepared for the Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Canadian Osteopath A brief history of the China Medical University (CMU) in Shenyang, China and its links with McGill University and the Crawford family. David Crawford is an Honorary Research Librarian at CMU. Agatha Randal Crawford was an Irish doctor and teacher who worked in Mukden (Shenyang) China from 1945-1949. Her letters home from this period have been digitised and are available, along with some additional information on her life and her time in China. George Duncan Gibb Joseph C.E. Godin was the McGill Medical Graduate Who Wasn't. A brief biographical sketch of Godin was published in Osler Library Newsletter No.124, 2016. Pierre De Sales Laterrière William Leslie Logie was McGill University's first graduate and the first medical graduate in Canada: he graduated in May 1833. A brief article about his life and the difficulty he had receiving a licence to practice in Lower Canada (Quebec) appeared in the Osler Library Newsletter No. 109, May 2008, pp. 1-7. The legal documents involved in Logie's 1833-34 court case concerning his application for a medical licence in Lower Canada are reprinted in the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, v. 3, 1843. pp154+ Medical Canadiana Medical Library Association of Great Britain and Ireland A short article on this short-lived Association (whose first and only President was William Osler) appeared in the December 2004 issue of Health Information and Libraries - the official journal of the Health Libraries Group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. (2004, Vol. 21, pp. 266-268). The published Proceedings of the first Annual Meeting of this short-lived Association are difficult to find; they are reproduced here. Medical Phonography Mukden Medical College, founded in 1911 in Mukden (now Shenyang) China, was absorbed by the China Medical University in 1949. A history of the College was published, in two parts, in the Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Vol. 36:1 (March 2006) and Vol. 36:2 (June 2006). Ontario Medical Library Association Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University Robert Todd Reynolds Eric Benzel and Terence Sparham Stratford was a physician; born in England in 1802,. He died, in New Zealand, in 1871. From 1831 to 1854 he lived in Canada (in Woodstock and Toronto) and he was the editor of the Upper Canada journal of medical, surgical and physical science for about a year just before he left the country. In 1828, when he was only 26 years old, he published a well-received textbook on ophthalmology. (A manual of the anatomy, physiology, & diseases of the eye and its appendages.) A short article on Stratford appeared in the Osler Library Newsletter, No 114 2010 pp. 4-7 James Watson, a graduate of Edinburgh University, was the first Western medical practitioner in northeastern China; he worked in Newchwang from 1865-1884 as a member of the Medical Service of the Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs. A brief article on his life appeared in the Journal of the Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Vol.36:4, 2006. pp. 362-365 ><((((º> ><((((*> ><((((-> ><((((º> Curriculum vitae There is a listing of all McGill University's emeritus academic staff HERE. He is listed in HealthWiki |
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“Mercifully, these days people don’t see being gay as a character flaw. But nor is it a virtue, like kindness. Or a talent, like playing the banjo. It’s just a fact.”
Andrew Scott, 2013.
Last updated: 23 December 2024.