Bibliography of Canadian health sciences periodicals 1826 - 1980


Titles A - B


This bibliography is the descendant of an earlier work entitled A Bibliography of Canadian Medical Periodicals, with Annotations, compiled by H. Ernest MacDermot and printed by the Renouf Publishing Company for McGill University in 1934. In the present work we have attempted, with Dr. MacDermot's enthusiastic endorsement, to rectify errors and omissions present in the earlier book and to continue the bibliography from 1934 down to 1975, the latter date having been chosen because it neatly bracketed a century and a half of Canadian medical journalism.

Every effort has been made to present the bibliographic data accurately, completely, and in a standard format. No similar uniformity, however, governs the annotations. Here we have allowed ourselves editorial freedom. Annotations have been prepared for those journals which seemed obviously important, but otherwise personal interests have determined whether or not an annotation has been written. In many instances a journal editor has been allowed to speak for himself. Where medical historians have written about a journal a reference to their remarks has been included.

As it now appears, the bibliography undoubtedly still contains a number of errors, both of omission and of commission. We would ask the benevolent reader to communicate any he or she discovers to one or other of the compilers, in order that the necessary corrections may be made if a later edition is issued.

In our work on this volume we have received generous assistance from all quarters, and it is a pleasure to express our gratitude to the many helping individuals and institutions, including the following: Dr. Edward Bensley, Miss Clare Callaghan, Dr. Edouard Desjardins, Dr. Cecil C. Ewing, Miss Marilyn Fransiszyn, Mrs. Barbara C. Gibson, Mrs. Susan Glover. Prof. Audrey Kerr, Dr. H. Ernest MacDermot. Mrs. Deborah Markham, Dr. George D. Molnar, Dr. A. David Parsons, Prof. Ian R. Robertson, Dr. Andrew M. Sherrington, Mrs. Mary-Louise Smith, Mrs. Sheila Swanson, Ms. W. Sweaney, Dr. A. A. Travill, and Mr. Peter Williamson; the Health Sciences Library and Mills Library. McMaster University; the keeper's of the Reserve Deposit Library, University of Western Ontario; the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland; the Osler Library, McGill University, the University of Western Ontario Medical Library; and the William Boyd Library of the Academy of Medicine, Toronto.

Associated Medical Services, through the Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, generously provided a grant which, in 1976, enabled the two authors to meet and plan the work that culminates in this volume.


Hamilton, February 1979

                                                                Go to Ontario table of medical titles 1849 - 1920

                                                                Go to Quebec table of medical titles 1826 - 1920