McGill University Faculty of Medicine

Annual Calendars (Announcements) 20th Session (1852-1953) to 50th Session (1882-1883)




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McGill University Faculty of Medicine - Annual Calendars (Announcements) 1852-1853 to 1882-1883.

The McGill University Faculty of Medicine was established in 1829 after the Montreal Medical Institution (founded in 1823) was incorporated into McGill College as the College's first faculty; it was the first medical faculty to be established in Canada. The Faculty was initially the new College's only functioning Faculty and awarded McGill's first degree, and Canada's first medical degree to William Leslie Logie in 1833. Though there may have been earlier printed 'annual calendars', it is thought that the first of these annual publications was issued in 1852 and announced the 20th Session of the Faculty,1852-53.

Several libraries and archives have digitised these annual publications but some copies omit pages while the quality of the reproduction in others is poor. For most of the years linked to below, the Faculty published a separate booklet but in a few years none has been found. for these years the copy linked to is the Faculty of Medicine's section((s) of the consolidated University Announcements; in general, the format is identical. The digital copies linked to below were mostly initially created by and by McGill University. Blank pages have been deleted (which explains the missing page numbers) and in a few cases the volumes linked to are 'composites' as no copy was 'perfect'.




These annual publications have a great deal of information on both students and graduates and in these years many students attended several medical schools so I take this opportunity to link to the listing of all the medical graduates of the University of Bishop's College from 1877-1905. The School - which was also based in Montreal - was absorbed into the McGill Medical Faculty in 1906 and this listing of 'prizemen' [sic], medalists and graduates was on pages 177 to 186 of the 1907-1908 McGill Medical Faculty's Announcement . (It is ironic that they use the term 'prizemen' as the first name on the list is Maude Abbott!

McGill Medical Faculty Building 1872


Page last updated on 28 January, 2021


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